What Happens to Us?

lifetitleJohn C. Maxwell posted something the other day that stated “life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” I’m not sure that most people are able to live this way. In fact, I believe most people live life the complete opposite and are moved and swayed by what happens. Our emotion gets the best of us and we allow what happens to us over take us. We make up stories in our heads that take the best of us and turn us worse. How many of us still have the words of a parent still haunting our decisions today. How many of us are driven to succeed because of a wrong done to us by someone. We think that this helps us do better but in reality it makes us a slave to the hurt in our lives and keeps us from being free. This is one of the hard lessons in life that I am currently learning. You are actually much more in charge of your reactions than you think you are. In fact, in the equation, the only part you don’t control is what happens to you. Don’t make that 10% any greater than it already is and don’t allow it to control you.

If you are one of those that allow the circumstances of life to dictate how you feel and let it ruin your day or depend on the circumstances to make your day there is good news for you. You don’t have to let it be that way. You are actually more in control than you think.

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