Value of Community

grpcommunityMore and more I am seeing that one of the reasons we aren’t growing as people is that we aren’t connected to one another. We have relationships that are somewhat shallow and disconnected. Yes we know the basics of people’s lives and we invest enough to make us feel like we are connected but very rarely do I see many deep relationships and to some extent that is a good thing. You should really be able to count the people that are really invested in you on one hand. That is the people what are supposed to say hard things to you when it’s needed. Those who you can go to with the hardest things and those that you know will have your back. Investing in those people is one of the keys to real growth. In order to truly change and grow you need to have a community around you, a community that really cares about you, your joy and your want the best for you as much as you do. Are you being authentic and real with people in that way?

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