Why do I need a Coach?

handsPeople often ask me why someone would need a life coach. It’s a great question to ask and hopefully something you might have asked yourself. Here is what I would typically ask someone who wants to know if they need a coach. Is there something in your life that you have wanted to change but haven’t yet been able to overcome? If the answer to the question is yes, they you should consider a coach. A coach and help you navigate the way through your transformation and a life coach doesn’t have to teach you how to specifically accomplish your goals but can help you analyze your progress, your growth and help you achieve your goals. Coaching is an intentional relationship that can assist you in transforming your life into something fuller. Coaching accomplish’s a few things. Coaching helps you focus your energy and efforts into the very thing you want to accomplish. Coaching also helps to create the kind of community in which your goals can happen. Change doesn’t typically happen in a vacuum, you will need others to help you grow. As you consider your next steps or have an area of growth please let me know if you have questions and good luck in your next steps.

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